Leaders, Traits, and Editing

In Today's update we are welcoming the addition of Leaders, Traits, and the ability to edit nations!!


Now when you make a new nation it will come with a randomized leader. Leaders will be randomly named from a list of default names, and will be given a random trait, which will affect the leader's ability to expand. These traits include:

Conqueror: Leaders with this trait are brave warriors and will have less of a penalty when expanding into the territory of other nations

Settler: Leaders with this trait are strong builders and will have a much easier time when expanding into unclaimed territory

Coward: Leaders with this trait are a lot more timid about taking territories belonging to other nations, and thus will have a larger penalty for doing so

Weak: Leaders with this trait aren't strong enough to take on the wilds, and have a larger penalty when expanding into unclaimed territory

Average: Leaders with this trait are just fine at everything, and have no buffs or penalties related to expansion

With the addition of leaders and traits also comes the addition of a new card called the "New Leader" card, which will switch out the leader of the selected nation for a new one (Up to your imagination how that switch happens in that nation's history)


We also have the addition of editing nations, so if you want to change the name or color of a nation, or just don't love the random default leader name a nation got, you can change all of it in the nation inspector when you click on a nation by clicking the E buttons next to what you want to edit.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think of the new update, and as always let me know about any bugs you encounter in your games.

Have a good day, and thank you for playing!!


Doodle Empires Alpha 1.1.zip 46 MB
Nov 19, 2024

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